Pinewood Wikia

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Pinewood Wikia


Throughout the games of Pinewood Builders, there are many trains and other rail vehicles of multiple varieties, sizes, and purposes which use the infrastructure of railroads to transport people and cargo across different locations.

Passenger Trains[]

Passenger train
Passenger Trains can be found at the Pinewood Builders Computer Core, and can be spawned at the lobby of the Transit station. Passenger trains have seats for 14 other passengers.

Cargo Trains[]

Cargo train
Cargo Trains are found at the Pinewood Builders Computer Core, and can be spawned at the Core Station. They can carry Emergency Generator fuel, liquid coolant, and various cargo. This train can be used to refill Coolant.

Missile Trains[]

Missile Trains are a variety of trains found at Pinewood Builders Computer Core, which is notable for their ability to explode. The Missile Train can be spawned at the Core Station. The explosion caused by the missiles on the train causes anyone close to the train to die. It will also fling any unanchored bricks within a certain area, causing a large mess. Missiles can be set off by lighting them on fire or shooting/touching them with any weapon. This is easiest to do with the Pistol. It has a car for passengers located at the very back.
Ore transport train

Ore Transport Trains[]

Ore Transport Trains are a variety of train that can be found at the Mega Miners game. The trains have a car for fuel, and two cars for ore storage. There is another variant of this train in Mega Miners, one that has 3 ore cars and no fuel car.

When the ore is deposited into a car, it is sorted so the ore can be neatly stacked. The fuel tank can be exploded with a bomb tool.

Ground Transport Cart[]

Ground transport cart
This rail cart can be found at the launch pad of Space Shuttle Advantage. It can hold two people, and is controlled via the three buttons on the front of the cart. The cart only travels along a rail, from Mission Control, to the Launch Tower. This is the smallest of the trains.