Pinewood Wikia

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Pinewood Wikia


The Medical Team serves as a roleplay group within Pinewood Builders, no in-game perks or hierarchial structure exists within this group. The main purpose of the medical team is to heal damaged players.

The medical team has access to the medical suit, which has no perks other than acting as a uniform.

Previously, this group was a division that hosted events separately from the other divisions, but changes in November 2020 have transferred this active community to the main PET group. The group is now just a roleplay group.


Medical Team

  • Automatically given after joining group.

Trained Medic

  • This rank used to be the equivalent to Tier 1 in PBST.


  • This rank used to be the equivalent to Tier 2 in PBST.


  • This rank used to be the equivalent to Tier 3 in PBST.

Emergency Medic

  • This rank used to be the equivalent to Special Defense in PBST.

Chief Assistant

  • This rank used to be the equivalent to Trainer in PBST.

Medical Chief

  • Rank that was reserved for the PET Chief after the PET merger. This rank is no longer used due to the PET divisions being no longer used.



  • Unobtainable.

List of Medical Team HR's[]

Name Rank
Tokaisho Owner
LENEMAR Facilitator
Coasterteam Facilitator