Pinewood Wikia

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Pinewood Wikia


Screenshot 121

A photo from the entrance zone of PBHQ

The Pinewood Builders HQ (PBHQ) is the current headquarters for Pinewood Builders. First built in 2011, this has been the main meeting place and headquarters for Pinewood Builders, located in Tokyo, Japan according to in-game description, this has been the main meeting place and headquarters for Pinewood Builders. This game was featured in the article "Six ROBLOX Places That'll Make You Say "Whoa" during 2013 at the Roblox blog.


There are 13 floors at the building, including an underground parking garage.

Level -1[]

This floor is where the ground elevators go to. It contains a parking lot and a PIA room which can be viewed using shift-lock camera. There's a turret to shoot down trespassers (which sometimes glitches and turret shots can be found in the floor description sign), a green button, a purple button across the room from the green one, and an old loadout giver.

You must be in the PIA group to be able to go through the door.

Level 1 (Lobby)[]

The floor where you spawn, it contains the front desk and another desk nearby. Walking past the desk is a spotlight with a rotating pinewood logo, as well as a pinewood logo on the ground. To the left is a security kiosk, with a button that can turn spikes on and off and can only be accessed by PB members, but the spikes don't actually do anything. Ahead of the kiosk is a science demonstration.

Level 2[]

This floor contains several conference rooms as well as a room displaying every concept HQ built.

Level 3[]

This floor contains presentation rooms.

Level 4[]

This is the security floor, containing a shooting range, loadout rooms for Tier 1 and Tier 2 PBST officers, uniforms, a security camera room, as well as a PBV room.

Level 5[]

Worker's offices. Contains cubicles with computers for employees.

Level 6[]

This floor contains the cafeteria. SigmaTech featured this floor in part of his PBHQ video.

Level 7[]

This floor is an uncolored room with an SD+ door and room. Through the windows, you can see some kind of alternate uniform and a table.

Level 8[]

This floor contains a pool and swimsuit outfits.

Level 9[]

This floor is Pinewood Builders Media's official studio. The floor has two sets, one is used as a news set, and the second set is used for Cooking With Series.

Level 10[]

This floor contains several offices for PB executives.

Level 11[]

This floor is the executive lounge. There is a giver that gives you what looks like wine and also a pool table, pool cue givers, and a music player.

Level 12[]

This floor contains another PBV room, Inside is an alarm button, a lockdown button, and a self destruct button. Close by is Tokaisho's office, and a conference room. Being one of the two games that have PBV specific rooms, this one actually has 2 and used to have a 3rd room shared with the PIA room. The code to Tokaisho's office is his player number (390939).

Roof Access[]

This floor is located through a door located at the 12th floor. The roof has a helicopter landing pad along with grass and two ponds with rocks in them.
