PBB, also formerly known as "Pinewood Bread" is the official group responsible for supplying Pinewood Builders with a vital resource called Bread.
It is one of Pinewoods top exclusive groups, with only six thousand of the most notorious Pinewood members being a part of Pinewood Bread.
Let it be known the abbreviation "PBB", has been known to be confused for the main group Pinewood Builders. As their abbreviation is very similar. ("PB")
These are the 6 primary ranks of Pinewood Bread.
Bakers, are the initial rank tier given to most members. No benefits are included with this role, besides your membership.
This rank has the most members.
The Playtesters job is explained within the name. They test and rate the facilities or games apart of the group.
This also allows Playtesters a whitelist permission to the Pinewood Bread Factory.
This rank has 21 members, the second largest amount followed by Bakers.
This rank, is for those who must keep order in Pinewood bread facilities.
It has been briefly explained by developers. That this role has the power to reset and further operate the machinery in PBBF. While players may be able to do this too, the Supervisors have a priority to the game.
This rank is the only one with no members.
The Contributors are the third highest rank in the system. All dedicating more of their time to service Pinewood Bread.
They are a group of people, recognized for aiding in the project that is the Pinewood Builders Bread Factory. This could be from assets to artwork, as it's efforts are miscellaneous.
This rank is held by 3 people. Those are Xgamermaster34, D3S1RED and SourLem0n4.
The sort of, Yeast in a piece of bread.
The developers are the second highest rank in the hierarchy. Maintaining and developing all Pinewood Bread Facilities.
This rank is held by 2 people. Those are Cynlixal and Jovan6886.
The Master Baker[]
A notorious rank dedicated only to the mighty Tokaisho himself.
He has built a reputation, with his presence ominously grieving every baker in the land. Behold, the master baker.
Pinewood Builders Bread Factory[]
Pinewood Builders Bread factory, is the primary game associated with Pinewood Bread. As a neat sequel to the very old Pinewood Bread Factory by Tokaisho. PBBF will be potentially one of the Major unofficial Pinewood Facilities on Roblox.
Developed by Cynlixal and Jovan6886. It has been under heavy development for over a year. With spectacular detail and anticipating Developer previews released by Cynlixal.
In Pinewood lore. This facility is responsible for supplying and producing food for the Pinewood Paramilitary force PBST and PET, along as well the Pinewood Facilities in general.
This game has been mildly teased to be released in 2025.
The Bread Factory[]
The Bread Factory. although it is not officially apart of Pinewood Bread, The game is considered to be apart of Pinewood Bread for its history.
At this time of the creation of this game. Tokaisho was just setting up Pinewood Builders. In which the premise and joke behind this game for making only bread, has continued its legacy onto the group Pinewood Bread. So with all the connections, this group is considered the first game represented by Pinewood Bread.
The game was created in November the 11th, 2008. One of the oldest games created by Tokaisho.
- Pinewood Bread is considered one of the few official "Meme Groups" created by Tokaisho.
- Pinewood Bread was created on February the 04, 2023.
- The group has it's own Discord Server.
- It has the least amount of members as an active and official Pinewood Subgroup. Followed by the Pinewood Historical Archive.
- It's the only official Pinewood Subgroup without the facilitator ranks. Instead the facilitators that exist who are in this group, are placed into Playtesters.
- Pinewood Bread is the youngest Subgroup of the Pinewood Builders Family.
- Pinewood Bread is one of the only groups with official Developers.