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Screenshot 119

PBST Training Facility is a training facility for the PBST made by XYLEM Technologies.

This is currently the main training facility for PBST. The PBST Activity Center and PBST Training Facility 2015 are also PBST Facilities, however only PBSTAC is still in use.

Main Facility[]

Sector A: The Lobby[]

The Lobby features the T1+ loadout rooms, the PIA room, the XYLEM room, the PBST Uniform Store, the Classroom, the PB Gym, the Food Court and the Metro Station. It also contains activities such as the Wall Wraps, the One Stud Jumps, and the Half Stud Jumps (Accessible by completing the One Stud Jumps). The lobby's food court has the infamous Irreflexive pool tables, where Roblox physics rig the game. This sector directly connects to Sectors B, C, and D, and, according to the label on a fake door, Sector E. Sector A also features the only medical station in the game.

Sector B: The Crater[]

The Crater is the outdoor area of the PBSTTF. It features most of the original activities from the original PBSTTF, along with some new ones. These activities are: Tall Towers, Plasma Jumps, Sword Arena

Sector C: Indoor Training Zone[]


Core Simulation, Fire Simulation, Firing Zone,

Sector D: Vehicle Racing Track.[]


Sector F: PBSTTF Logistics[]

This is mostly a decorative sector for combat simulations.

The Trials[]



Stud Jumps[]

Located in Sector A, the One Stud and Half Stud jumps are one of the 2 activities found there. You start in the back of the lobby (in front of the XYLEM room), and your goal is to reach a platform at the front of the lobby. There are # one stud jumps and # half stud jumps. A platform is located between the one-stud and half-stud jumps for easy host access when teleporting players.

Wall Wraps[]

The second activity in Sector A is the Wall Wraps. There are 8 jumps to get to the finishing platform, which is directly underneath the finishing platform for the Stud Jumps. This activity can be found in the front of the Lobby, directly left from the doors if you are facing outside. Each jump gets progressively harder until the pathway is nearly 1 stud wide.

Plasma Jumps[]

The first activity in Sector B, the Plasma Jumps is a simple obby. The PB Plasma Rods TM can be set to either kill. teleport, or damage you upon touch by event hosts. There are 2 sections, one flat and one with raised PB Plasma Rods TM. There are # jumps in section one, and # jumps in section 2. This activity is located directly to your left when exiting Sector A.

The Rock (Team Obby)[]

The Rock is the largest obby in the facility. Carved out of rock (hence the name), this obby is no doubt one of the largest activities in the facility, requiring 2 people to beat. It has 3 stages, each getting harder as you move on. The first stage consists of some simple jumps and 2 parts where players must stack on top of each other to reach a button to unlock the next area. Stage 2 has

Vortex of Horrors (Now featuring 40% more "jump" per jump![]

Located at the top of Sector B on the support pillars for the dome, the VoH is one of the most annoying activities in the PBSTTF. Honestly, as braindead as I am, I will NOT count how many jumps there are for a stupid wiki page. Count yourself. Anyhow, the obby curves around the central pillar to a finishing platform high above the rest of the facility.

King of the Hill[]

KotH is one of the most diverse activities in Sector B. It can be used for combat training, reflex time testing, and much more

Sword Arena[]


Ice Soccer[]


Gladiator Arenas[]



  • The PBSTTF Secret is one of the most sought-after badges in Pinewood, nearly at the same level as the Third Code badge. Nobody knows how or where it is, and is believed by some to be fake. Who knows, maybe the real secret was within you all along. There are numerous hints that have been revealed such as the new badge image featuring a ladder and the strange images posted in the PBST communication server.
  • There are many secret easter eggs throughout PBSTTF, some of which are out of bounds and inaccessible by players.
  • You can purchase PBSTTF private server host admin for 400 Robux, which gives you commands such as !fly and !freeze, along with control of all training exercises. THIS IS NOT MODERATOR ADMIN!
  • PBSTTF is the only Pinewood game that has it's own custom leaderboard UI.