Pinewood Wikia

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Pinewood Wikia

The shop is an area in the Pinewood Computer Core which contains various items which can be purchased using Credits or Robux.


The exterior of the shop.

The PBCC shop contains clothing, gamepass items, and Credit items. Clothing and gamepasses must be purchased with Robux. Any gamepass item purchased here will be automatically put in the player's inventory upon spawning, however Credit items must be picked up by walking over the item givers in the shop.

General Items[]


The flashlight can be used to light up dark areas, which is helpful during disasters such as blackouts, meltdowns, and freezedowns. It is free for Pinewood Builders members and It is bundled along with the Partial Core Status Tablet and the Member Coil.

Partial Core Status Tablet[]

This is a lite version of the Full Core Status Tablet item which shows the temperature of the core and whether it is currently rising, cooling, stable, or maintain. It is free for Pinewood Builders members and is bundled along with the Flashlight and Member Coil.

Roleplay Clipboard[]

This item is mainly intended for roleplay purposes, however it does serve a purpose in giving the first mainframe code and hinting at the second mainframe code. It requires 5 credits to obtain and can also be purchased as a gamepass item for 4 Robux.

Roleplay clipboard's top text/title is: Core Checklist with PB Logo on the right.

Checklist consists of:

  • "Get rid of that weird smell in the shooting range"
  • "Fix the bursted pipe near the coolant"
  • "Fix plumbing from E-Coolant to reactor core"
  • "Fire cafeteria lady when found" (this may be a refrence to PBM's "Identification, Please" interactive video
  • "Yell at the intern for turning up reactor power"
  • "Perform routine reactor core check"
  • "Fill Coolant Rods 2 and 3 with liquid nitrogen"
  • "Hire new lawyers".

A yellow note is attached to the Clipboard's bottom right with mainframe codes:

  • "First code: 5334118"
  • "Second code: 644- (Fell asleep during meeting)"
  • The third code section being covered in a patch of green goo.


Member Coil[]

The Member Coil is free for Pinewood Builders members and is a weaker version of the Higher Speed Coil gamepass item. It is bundled with the Partial Core Status Tablet and Flashlight.

Gravity Coil[]

The Gravity Coil will multiply a player's jump height by roughly 2.5 times when equipped. It requires 10 credits to obtain. An upgraded version of the Gravity Coil, called the Dual Gravity Coil, is available as a gamepass item.

Stone Coil[]

The Stone Coil will negate any shift in gravity that occurs from earthquakes, shockwaves, and being in the core area when equipped. The Stone Coil's effects also works on vehicles when equipped by the player driving them. It requires 80 credits to obtain.


The HYPER SPEED COIL! is an upgraded version of the Higher Speed Coil gamepass item. It multiplies the user's speed by 6 times, however, it requires a few seconds of having this item equipped in order to gradually gain the full speed effect. If a player takes damage while holding this item, its speed effects will be temporarily disabled for a few seconds before gradually increasing back up to the full speed effect. This is to prevent players from running away instead of fighting back while in combat. This item requires 150 credits to obtain.

Credit Weapons[]

Credit SMG

The Credit SMG.

Credit Pistol[]

The Credit Pistol is the first ranged weapon players can gain if they progress through the credits shop, which requires 250 credits to obtain. It is one of the weakest weapons in PBCC and is not regularly used by experienced players. It deals a minimum of 9 damage and a maximum of 15.


The Crowbar is the only melee weapon that can be obtained via credits and requires 350 credits to obtain. The Crowbar is also capable of breaking vent covers instantly by swinging at them instead of having to hold down X for a few seconds in order to break them.

Credit Rifle[]

The Credit Rifle is the second ranged weapon players can gain progressing through the credits shop and requires 850 credits to obtain. It is a relatively strong weapon and can be used effectively in combat if properly utilized. Although being weaker compared to the OP Rifle, it is a very common weapon used among F2P players. It deals a minimum of 25 damage and a maximum of 37 damage.

Boss Rocket Launcher[]

The Boss Rocket Launcher is one of the strongest weapons in the game if utilized properly. This weapon requires 1,250 credits to obtain. It is the only credit item that produces a unique sound when obtained from the shop, which is sourced from the game "Metal Slug." It also rewards players with the "Boss Rocket Launcher!" badge after first obtaining the item. It deals 0-90 damage depending on distance and accuracy.

Fire Starter Stick[]

The Fire Starter Stick, most commonly known as the Fire Stick, does not directly damage players. Rather, it sets players, cargo, and vehicles on fire. Requiring 1,500 credits to obtain, the Fire Starter Stick is the 2nd most expensive credit item in PBCC. The strength of the Fire Starter Stick will depend on the amount of credits a player has.


The Flamethrower is the most expensive credit item in PBCC, requiring 2,500 credits to obtain. Upon first obtaining this item, players are rewarded with the "Flamethrower" badge. Like the Fire Starter Stick, this weapon also sets players, cargo, and vehicles on fire, but is capable of doing direct damage to other players if aimed at them in close range. Like the jetpacks, this weapon has fuel that depletes from usage and can be refilled at refueling stations across the facility. The Flamethrower's pilot flame can also be extinguished which prevents this weapon from being used for a short period of time until the pilot flame reignites. The Flamethrower's pilot flame also gets extinguished upon entering the E-coolant sector, preventing this weapon's usage in that area. The strength of this weapon will depend on the amount of credits a player has.


On October 15th, 2023, Tokaisho posted on the official Pinewood Builders Discord server that for Halloween, a Credit SMG would be added to the shop as a limited time item. (Source) It required 2000 credits, being the 2nd most expensive item in the game. It was removed shortly after Halloween 2023 at an unknown date. The damage it inflicted is currently unknown.

Name Cost Firing modes Damage Clip size
Pistol 80 Credits Semi-automatic Body Damage: 9

Head Damage: 15

Rifle 450 Credits Body Damage: 25

Head Damage: 37

Boss Rocket Launcher 950 Credits Direct Damage: 90,

(scales to 0 between 5 to 10 studs)

SMG 1500 Credits Automatic Body Damage: 4-8

Head Damage: 5-10


Transport Tools[]

Personal Rocketship[]

The personal rocketship is a Roblox gear which can be obtained by having 30 or more credits. It can be used to fly around the map at a fairly slow speed while making various ambient sounds. It does not require fuel, unlike the jetpack items. Due to its age, it is quite buggy and may not work correctly.


The Jetpack allows for faster navigation around the facility, but it has a fuel tank that depletes from usage and can be refilled at refueling stations across the facility. It requires 500 credits to obtain. There is an upgraded version of this gear called the "Super Jetpack" which takes longer to run out of fuel and can be obtained via the Super Jetpacks gamepass.


  • Both Credit SMG and Credit melee items are blacklisted suggestions in the official Pinewood Builders Discord server. Despite this, the Credit SMG was added to the PBCC Shop on October 15th, 2023 for a short period of time before being removed shortly after Halloween and the Crowbar melee item was added to the PBCC Shop on November 10th, 2024.
  • The Credit pistol is the second lowest-damaging gun in PBCC. The only other gun that does less damage is target practice pistol (it doesn't deal any damage to other players).