Pinewood Wikia

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Pinewood Wikia
Pinewood Wikia

OP Weapons[]


The OP weapons gamepass, upon buying for 1411 Robux, gives you four weapons to help with fighting, if you buy the gamepass in one PB game, you get the tools in all other facilities.

Gamma sword customization[]

The gamma sword can be recoloured using the command !rgbsword X X X or !colorsword. These weapons were created by Csdi.

All of the weapons were made by Csdi.


OP Weapons have a simlar paint to Credit Weapons but with yellow neon parts instead of orange.

Weapons statistics.[]

The weapons you get upon spawning are.

  1. Gamma Spec (Energy Sword)
  2. Rifle
  3. Pistol
  4. Submachine Gun (SMG for short)

Weapon Statistics

Name Mode Damage by HP Clip Size Notes
Pistol Semi-automatic ranged Body: 10-15

Head: 15-25

15 Its a pretty good weapon (sad part is that you have better choices)
Rifle Semi-automatic ranged Body: 35-43

Head: 40-50

12 Very good rifle. Slow reload and firerate get compensated by high damage.
SMG Automatic ranged Body: 5-10

Head: 10-12

18 Mostly used by people who buy every (and i mean) every gamepass in PBCC and think that its good and i dont blame them but OP Rifle is just better (unless you suck with semi)
Gamma Spec Melee 20 (single hit)

25 (lunge)

- How quickly this damage is registered depends on server performance. You can access it via !server.


  • The OP weapons shelf shows the wrong gamma sword colour.
  • At times regarding server performance the weapons can be affected by lag.
  • SMG has a light on the front next to the muzzle (Press E to Turn it on/off)
  • This gamepass in Pinewood Computer Core used to be $3129 Robux until it got to $1411 Robux (Sometimes prices changes so it might be wrong)