Pinewood Wikia

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Pinewood Wikia
This page or article is currently under construction:
The page or article Mega Miners is in the progress of having major work being done.
Be aware that some things may not appear correctly such as images, and text while Mega Miners is being worked on.
This article is about the Roblox experience. For the in-universe character, see Mega Miner. For the PBM movie, see Mega Miners Riot. For the riot group seen in Mega Miners Riot, see Mega Miner Rioters.


Mega Miner Map

View of the whole map from a far distance.

Mega Miners is a mining facility created by Tokaisho which was created in 2009, it is a game where you become a cave miner and mine ores for Pinewood Builders, this can be done by either using a pickaxe that is given to the player when spawned or use the assortment of vehicle or upgrades that are in the game. The game has received several updates over the years, from various bug fixed to adding a PET building for PET members to help other players.


In Mega Miners, you can earn something called money. Money can be used to unlock new tools in the shop. Money is more like XP than currency; you unlock items by meeting the money requirement, not by buying it and in turn losing money. Money can be earned by collecting gems found in the mine.


Gems are found by mining rocks inside the mine, when you collect these gems you are awarded money. When you have enough money you can go to the shop to get new tools which can help you navigate the mines easier or weapons to destroy your enemies, you can play the game normally and earn a passive 1 money every minute or collect gems to get money faster.

Image Gem Color Money Worth
MM RedGem
Red (Rubies) 7
MM GreenGem
Green (Emeralds) 15
MM BlueGem
Blue (Diamonds) 25



The spawn area is a hub for the four primary teams. Beside it is the Store where you can use your Money accumulated from either collecting minerals or play time.

This is a list of purchasable items.

  1. Pistol - This item can be used to deal damage to players by shooting at them; requires 100 money.
  2. Rocket Launcher - This item can be used to deal a lot of damage to players by shooting at them; requires 150 money.
  3. Bomb - This item can be used to blow up and destroy unoccupied vehicles; requires 200 money.
  4. Combat Axe - This item can be used to attack players up close and deal a lot of damage; requires 500 money.
  5. Grappling Hook - This item can be used to grapple onto something not too far away and travel to it quickly; requires 1000 money.
Name Money Description
Gravity Coil 10 This item can be used to jump higher
Rocket Ship 30 This item can be used to fly around at a slow speed
SUPER RUN 50 This item can be used to run faster than the normal running tool
Personal Forcefield 40 Give yourself a 30 second burst explosion and bulletproof force field! Running around as a pacifist? Protecting yourself from weapons, explosions or drillers? This hi-tech shield will protect you from the brunt of it. Equip the shield to use it, the shield will last 30 seconds or until you unequip it and takes a few seconds to prime before engaging the shield.
Jetpacks 188 The Jet packs! Fly around the base and get to special locations.


You can find the Trucks and Drilling equipment here and the Mega Miners outfit and helmet. You will also find the tracks where you can drive trains. You can also find Generators which when turned on startup the conveyor belts. You can also find the dump area where you dump rocks, this area will grind the rocks up.

Search and Rescue []

This area is mainly reserved for PET. There is a lookout tower for a better view and a vehicle spawn that spawns a PET response vehicle.

Ore Train Locations[]

These locations are places where the Quarry workers can work. Multiple workers must be present to operate as intended.


This is where you can become the Site Boss, touch the spawn and you will be placed on the team. In this room is a desk and a chair and a few other decorations.


Mining Vehicles
Image Vehicle Name Description
Bucket Wheel Excavator This vehicle is used to scoop up rock around the map, or can be used to mine rocks.
MM Bulldozer
Bulldozer This vehicle is used to scoop up rock around the map, or can be used to mine rocks.
MM Thumbnail1
Crane Truck This vehicle is huge and is mainly used mine up high, primarily the enterance of the cave.
Crusher This vehicle is used to mine the cave for ores.
Saw Truck This vehicle is used to mine the cave for ores.
Tunnel Bore This vehicle is used to mine the cave for ores.

Other Vehicles
Image Vehicle Name Description
Dump Truck This big vehicle is used to collect rocks and to transport them to the rock crusher.
Light Truck This vehicle is used to
MM Thumbnail2
Mega Dump Truck This huge vehicle is used to collect rocks and to transport them to the rock crusher.
Mega Miner Car This vehicle is used to primarily drive around the map
Ore Train 1 This vehicle is used to transport rocks along the train tracks, and deposit them at the train stops.
Light Tower Truck This truck can be used to provide light at a mining scene.
PET Response Vehicle This vehicle is used used to primarily drive around the map, but it can be used for PET members to assist others.


There is only one event, the Volcanic Eruption.

Volcanic Eruption[]

As a way to regenerate the mine, this event serves as a mask.

The volcano in the distance erupts, flooding the mine with scorching lava and triggering alarms. Anything inside will melt into thin air. The volcano soon rests, draining the lava in the mine. Regular operations return.


Mega Miners has a total of 5 gamepasses. Each of them vary in price.

Name Price Description
Boombox! 40 Outplay your friends with your own music!
OP Weapons! 410 Use weapons like a laser submachine gun, rifle, pistol and even the Spec Gamma energy Sword. This is a rare and exclusive overpowered item for VIP's only.
Hyper Speed Coil 40 Whizz around the place with the hyper speed coil! This coil is MUCH FASTER than the hyper coil at Pinewood Computer Core and any other run tool in this game.
Personal Forcefield 40

Give yourself a 30 second burst explosion and bulletproof force field! running around as a pacifist? Protecting yourself from weapons, explosions or drillers? This hi-tech shield will protect you from the brunt of it. Equip the shield to use it, the shield will last 30 seconds or until you unequip it and takes a few seconds to prime before engaging the shield.

Jetpacks 188 The Jet packs! Fly around the base and get to special locations.


If you have OP Weapons in Pinewood Computer Core, the OP Weapons will carry over.
