Pinewood Wikia

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Pinewood Wikia
Pinewood Wikia


LENEMAR, is one of the older members of Pinewood Builders. From creating multiple fan or semi-official groups for Pinewood. To being a significant Facilitator and contributor to Pinewood as a whole. LENEMAR has been highly respected in the Pinewood Builders Community and will be to come.

LENEMAR also oversees the private development group of Pinewood Builders; XYLEM Technologies. Though LENEMAR is ranked in multiple official groups, he only actively participates in a few.




  • LENEMAR has remade many aspects of PBCC, such as but not limited to, forklift cargo, forklifts, coolant fans.
  • LENEMAR also is one of the Co-Leaders of the PHA. A group dedicated to preserving Pinewood's history.
  • LENEMAR has been the longest lasting facilitator for XYLEM. Fabricating highly notable projects like PBSTTF V2.0 and/or the Rynver Stronghold.

Recent Events[]

  • LENEMAR is leading multiple projects by XYLEM Technologies. He recently teased a few when Pinewood builders hit 500k members here.
  • LENEMAR was added to PBCC Team Create development to help out with building.


  • LENEMAR has a fond liking for grape soda; it is his favorite soft drink. So much as to make a fun item for XYLEM named the XYLEM Grape Soda.