Pinewood Wikia

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Pinewood Wikia

Coils are obtained at PB facilities via gamepasses or in-game credits. They are tools which enhance certain abilities such as speed or gravity when held.

Speed Coil[]

The Speed Coil increases walkspeed to around 32, allowing you to travel facilities at greater speeds.

How to obtain:

Hyper Speed Coil[]

The Hyper Speed Coil is an upgraded Speed Coil with even greater speeds.

At PBCC, it gradually increases walkspeed up to around 64 over around 3 seconds when equipped. Taking damage will temporarily remove the speed granted from it.

At Mega Miners, it increases walkspeed to around 160, allowing you to travel the facility at extreme speeds.

How to obtain:

Gravity Coil[]

The Gravity Coil is generally used to enhance your jumping abilities.

At PBCC and Mega Miners, it lowers your gravity immensely, allowing you to jump much higher, though all airborne vertical movement will be much slower.

At PBDSF, the Gravity Coil does not actually effect gravity, but hugely increases your jump power/jump height, meaning you will jump way higher but fall at the same speed.

How to obtain:

  • Pinewood Builders Computer Core: Obtain at the credit shop for 10 Credits.
  • Mega Miners: Obtain at the in-game money shop for 10 money.
  • Pinewood Builders Data Storage Facility: Buy the Coil Access gamepass for 100 Robux.

Dual Gravity Coil[]

The Dual Gravity Coil works the same as the PBCC Gravity Coil, but decreases gravity even further, allowing for even higher jumps.

How to obtain:

Regeneration Coil[]

The Regeneration Coil, shortened as "Regen Coil" or "Health Coil" heals you a bit of health every second, allowing for much faster regeneration. It takes around 90 seconds to regenerate from 10 HP to 100 normally, but with the regen coil it takes just around 13 seconds.

How to obtain:
